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Reversal Spells in Blue and Black has been reissued as part of the ReBound Series by Seven Kitchens Press.


To order a signed copy, please send Josh $13.00 via PayPal with this link. Make sure to include your mailing address.


Allison Blevins and Joshua Davis's book fiery poppies bruising their own throats is out now from Glass Lyre Press.

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Joshua Davis

Poet      Mentor      Teacher

Joshua Davis is the author of Reversal Spells in Blue and Black and, with Allison Blevins, the co-author of Chorus for the Kill (Seven Kitchens Press) and fiery poppies bruising their own throats. He holds an MFA from Stonecoast at the University of Southern Maine, an MFA from the University of Mississippi, and an M.A. from Pittsburg State University. A former John and Renee Grisham fellow, he offers online workshops and private mentoring at The Poetry Barn. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Inflectionist Review, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The New Southern Fugitives, Tinfish, and Apalachee Review. He is a doctoral candidate in Literature at Ohio University, and he teaches high school English near Tampa, Florida.

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